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Forest Trees

Plant A Tree Project

Did you know that it is estimated over 41 million trees are cut down in the world each day? How about that one large tree can produce enough oxygen for up to 4 people daily? In one year, a tree can consume up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide! WE NEED TREES! In an effort to do our part in cleaning our atmosphere, Fragile Planet's goal is to plant 500 trees on its property within the next two years - AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! 

Sponsor a tree today and help us reach our goal! With your sponsorship you will get to name your tree, receive an informational packet on the species along with its geographical location on the property, receive a Fragile Planet Adventure Pack, and receive a FREE Wildlife Adventure Tour for up to 10 people! We will also invite you to the planting where you'll get a printed photo of you with the tree you planted and a proper acknowledgment on our social media pages!



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